Monday, March 16, 2020

Anxiety and Corona Virus

An unpopular young Rabbi once talked about anxiety. He told His listeners to focus more on the spiritual and eternal instead of the physical and temporal. What we wear, what we eat, what we drink, set those concerns aside because God knows our needs and will meet them. (Don't confuse wants with needs here! I want a diesel powered pickup, a bass boat and a camper but I don't "need" these things.)
The young Rabbi concluded by saying this: "Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Mt 6:34
This is always good advice and in light of this pandemic it is critical advice to accept. There is a lot of emphasis on the physical aspects of the corona virus and efforts we should take to mitigate transmission. But not much is being said about emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Pay attention to what's happening and heed the advice of medical experts. But don't pay so much attention to this problem that anxiety takes over your life. Anxiety and stress are inextricably linked. Stress can cause diminished physical health and weakened immune systems.Thus, we are more vulnerable to contracting the virus and ending up with the more severe symptoms.
So, take a break from the news. Talk to God. Read His word. Watch an inspirational movie. Or, if inspirational movies aren't your thing, Google "Three Stooges," click "videos," and learn what baby-boomers did when they were stuck at home with the flu.