Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why would Satan care?

4: 4 Then the peoples around them set out to discourage the people of Judah and make them afraid to go on building. 5 They bribed officials to work against them and frustrate their plans during the entire reign of Cyrus king of Persia and down to the reign of Darius king of Persia.
Competition.  It is seen everywhere in western society.  We see it on sporting fields and in courts.  We see it in schools and colleges.  We see it on church game nights.  We see it on highways in the way people drive.  We see it between churches and we see it between ministries in churches.  It is everywhere.  
Competition is not always bad.  In sporting events or friendly games, it can be fun and exciting.  It can help build a team.  It can raise morale and esprit de corps in teams and organizations.  It can lead to innovations that benefit people.
The competitive spirit can be used by the enemy as well.  There are some people who seem to think the way to get ahead in life is standing on the failures of others and they put their effort into your failure instead of their success.
Once construction started on the temple, the enemies of Judah sought to discourage them.  As you read on in the text you’ll see that they tried to influence the king to stop construction and accused the people of Judah of a history of sedition.  
The people were seeking to rebuild the temple for the glory of God.  The temple was central to their national and religious identity.  It signified God dwelling amongst His chosen people. All who are called by His name should seek to dwell in His presence.
The practice of an individual’s faith should not pose a threat to anyone.  However, the chief of liars will do anything to disrupt God’s people from doing anything that brings Him glory.  When God gets glorified, His people get blessed.  Praise and glory to God and blessings poured out on God’s people is a painful reminder to Satan that his act of sedition sealed his fate for eternity.  The death blow has been delivered and his time is running short.
If you have a God-given vision, work towards it.  Satan will use people to try and discourage you.  He will frustrate you, accuse you, and interfere with the work of the LORD every chance he gets.  Do not be faint-hearted.  Do not be discouraged.  The greater the vision-the greater the glory.  The greater the glory-the greater the opposition.  The greater the opposition-the greater the opportunity to persevere, to grow, and to make an eternal impact on this world for God.