Monday, October 15, 2018


The one who lives with integrity lives securely,
but whoever perverts his ways will be found out. (Pr 10:9)

Various dictionaries define integrity and relate it to adherence to a moral, ethical code. The moral code of our contemporary society is relative. Morals and ethics are not based on an absolute foundation but flex with the desires of society.

In scripture the word integrity is translated from the Hebrew words, tom, tummah, and tammam. The basic meaning conveyed in passages that contain these words is simplicity, soundness, completeness, upright, even perfection.* God's Word is built on an absolute foundation and is the standard we should use. That last word in defining integrity, perfection, is unattainable.  It is here we must appropriate the integrity and righteousness of Christ as part of God's mercy and His grace.

As recipients of God's mercy and grace, how do we live or walk with integrity? By being consistent. Matthew Henry comments that we should walk with integrity before both God and men. This seems obvious but not all who claim to be Christians adhere to this.

There are some who feign integrity before men. Perhaps they have learned to speak the language of the contemporary church. They seek their standing and reward before men. Their motives vary and are not worth speculation. There are others who treat people harshly, feeling they need only to answer to God and not to men and use bits of scripture improperly to justify their hatred towards other human beings.

God is in the people business. Therefore, we should also be in the people business. This is nothing new. Scripture is replete with commands to love God and to love others. Jesus said we should love the Lord and we should love our neighbors. He also told us to pray for our enemies. John wrote, "If anyone says, "I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For the person who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen."

Worthiness of our love is not a criteria we can use. For who among us is worthy of God's love? God's grace and God's mercy are gifts He intended for us to share.

* International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, "Integrity,", accessed October 15, 2018