Sunday, November 24, 2013

Preparing and Serving: Concurrent Missions.

Galatians 2
1 Then after fourteen years, I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas.
After his amazing conversion experience, Paul waited fourteen years before heading to Jerusalem.  This was a time of preparation for him.  We read earlier in this letter that the Gospel Paul preached came to him not by learning but by revelation of Jesus Christ.  This is not the scripture one should use to circumvent the process of discipleship nor is it usable as an excuse to do nothing.
There are many who claimed they are called and anointed and this calling, gifting and anointing precludes any need for preparation.  There others who do nothing since they are not ready or feel ill-equipped to do anything.  
Paul shows the perfect balance.  On the road to Damascus, he encountered a resurrected Christ, he was called to the gospel ministry.  He was saved to serve.  It was three years before he went to Jerusalem and met with Peter.  It was fourteen years before he went on the mission field to fulfill his calling.  During these fourteen years he prepared for the ministry while concurrently serving.  Evidence of this is seen in verse 23.  “They only heard the report: ‘The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.’”
Many new believers are on fire to serve.  After some time of trying, the fire is quenched and their desire is replaced with apprehension.

Pray to God to find the balance the way Paul did.  Retain the fire of a new believer while continuing to grow in knowledge of God’s written Word.  We are saved to serve.  Service begins at the moment of salvation as does the discipleship process.  Time spent waiting to spread the gospel creates nothing more than missed opportunities to serve God and advance His kingdom.