Monday, November 25, 2013

Voluntary Enslavement

Galatians 4

8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?

Within the heart of every human is a god-vacuum.  There is an emptiness that only God can fill.  Mankind is the only being in creation that can demonstrate true cognitive thought.  He is the only being in creation that enacts and enforces laws.  Only humans appear to wonder about the after-life.  Whether it is religion, atheism, agnosticism, or infatuation with zombies, the thought process of people is different than all other animals on the face of this earth.

In the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, the apostle Paul comments on the many gods the Greeks worship.  He noted that they had an altar to “an unknown god” to ensure they did not inadvertently leave one out and offend this god.  This is the tendency of all humans.  In our ignorance, we will make up things about God or we will make up false gods.

Ignorance of the one true God is not innocent.  The false gods we create and worship are tools of God’s enemy.  If he can keep us focused on our own selfish desires and lead us to idolatry, he has secured a victory.  He is incapable of fighting God head-on so he goes after God’s prized created being--mankind.  Idolatry is a victory for the enemy.  Moreover, this ignorance of the true nature of God leads to more than just idolatry; it leads to all manner of sin.

There are false gods that become objects of worship in an effort to fill the god-vacuum in the heart of people.  There are also sins that become slave-masters over us as well.  This is when we, like Paul, fail to do what we should do and we do what we should not do.

What is it that you wish God would free you from?  Is it lust?  Greed?  Jealousy?  Gluttony?  These besetting sins have no hold on us.  We have been given the victory of these sins.  The shackles have been removed yet we willingly return to the terms of our enslavement and refasten the shackles to our own legs.  Like the Israelites during the Exodus, we long to return to our slave masters and subject ourselves to their cruel rule.

The victory has been won and it is your’s for the taking.  Claim it, Christian, and live a life of victory that will bring God glory and bring you blessings.