Friday, September 21, 2018

Shall I go or shall I stay?

That is why I have been prevented many times from coming to you.  But now I no longer have any work to do in these provinces, and I have strongly desired for many years to come to you whenever I travel to Spain. (Rom 15:22-24)

Paul was a missionary. After his miraculous salvation experience he spent time with the early disciples learning about Jesus. While at the church in Antioch, God commanded the church to set aside Barnabas and Saul and send them on their first missionary journey. (Acts 13:1-3)

Paul made three mission journeys and during the third he stayed for three months in Corinth. While there he wrote his letter to the church in Rome. Here we can see Paul's heart to declare the gospel to, "the ends of the earth," in obedience to the Great Commission.

Paul had a noble desire. His vision to preach the gospel extended all the way to Spain but God had other plans. Paul also desired to visit the church in Rome on his way to Spain. (Rom 15:22-24, 28) It's unknown if Paul ever made it to Spain but his trip to Rome was made while under arrest and exercising his right to appeal his case to Caesar as a citizen of the Roman Empire. (Acts 25:11-12)

God gave a command--the Great Commission--and Paul sought to obey. So why would God not honor Paul's desire to do that which God commanded? There is no evidence that Paul went to Spain nor is there evidence that he did not. God was honoring Paul's noble desire to serve Him but God directed Paul's steps. God wanted it done His way and in His timing.

Trying to discern the specific will of God for our lives can be frustrating. We're told God has a specific plan for each of us yet we cannot quite figure out what that plan might be. Some people spend their entire lives trying to figure out the plan. Adrian Rogers wrote, "God's plan for us is not road map but a relationship."

Find out what are your spiritual gifts are. Identify what you are passionate about. These are the first indicator's of God's will for your life. Build and maintain a vibrant relationship with Christ. Maintain a healthy prayer life and be in His word daily. Prayer is talking to God and His word is one of the primary ways He talks to us.

Dream big. Cast a vision that reaches far. Follow your heart and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Since it's the relationship and not just a road map, God will open doors and He will close doors. Be ready to hear go; be ready to hear no; and be ready to hear wait.