Sunday, September 30, 2018

What can I do?

“Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins,” ... So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them. (Acts 2:38a, 2:41 HCSB)

About seven weeks before this powerful sermon that yielded incredible results, Peter denied knowing Jesus and hid like a coward. Throughout his time with Jesus he showed moments of great potential but also showed moments of no potential.

So what changed in those seven weeks? Peter encountered the resurrected Christ. All his hopes were realized and his doubts were erased. This resulted in Peter's obedience and his obedience was rewarded with the supernatural equipping to spread the message of salvation.

This entire second chapter of the book of Acts is miraculous. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers that gathered and waited in obedience to Jesus. They were filled with the ability to speak and their speech was understood by people of different languages. Peter spoke boldly, not fearing embarrassment or rejection.

At the end of Peter's three minute sermon (if the entire sermon is recorded in scripture) the people, "Were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles: "Brothers, what should we do?'" (Acts 2:37) The results were astounding. I imagine Peter and the the other apostles being filled with joy and some level of disbelief; not doubting the message or God's ability to save, but having one of those moments where you are left speechless and awe struck, perhaps asking yourself, "Did that really just happen?'

Not all of us are called to proclaim the message the way Peter did and few--if any--of us will see the immediate results that the apostles witnessed that day. But 3,000 souls saved through our obedience is possible, even probable, if we use our gifts in service to the One who gave us those gifts.

If you have the gift of hospitality and use it for God's glory, perhaps one person will be impacted by your hospitality and come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Then that person receives the gift of teaching and empowers other to join in the work of the church. Then among his disciples one receives the gift of evangelism and leads countless people to the Lord. The spiritual family tree that starts with you will show branches that include thousands of people who have the gift of eternal life. Page after page of names of souls rescued from eternal damnation will be added to the Lamb's Book of Life and it all started with one simple act of obedience.

"What can I do?", you ask. You can abide in Christ, pray for the lost, share the love that was freely given to you with someone else and see the amazing work of God in the lives of thousands.